> 文章列表 > 春节你们都放什么鞭炮英文





同学好,放鞭炮译为:to set off firecrackers; to shoot off firecrackers。注意这里的“放”这个动词,可以用set off,或者shoot off皆可。


春节:the Spring Festival。元宵节:Lantern Festival(老外管元宵节也叫灯笼节,lantern即为灯笼)。饺子:Dumpling。灯笼:Lantern。鞭炮:Maroon/Matchcracker。过年好:Happy New Year!


放鞭炮:Shoot off firecrackers(放鞭炮)或者Light firecrackers,两种翻译方式都可以表达出放鞭炮的意思。贴对联:Paste the antithetical couplet(贴对联)或者Stick couplets。看春晚:Watch the Spring Festival Gala(看春晚)。


鞭炮的英语可以翻译为firecrackers或者fireworks。例如:The children are letting off firecrackers(孩子们在燃放鞭炮)或者We are enjoying the fireworks show(我们正在欣赏烟花表演)。


彩莲船、荷花灯、蚌壳精、舂糍粑、挂灯笼、贴春联、放鞭炮、鼓乐声声、龙腾狮舞,一个个喜庆的场面,一幅幅美丽的画帘。During the festival, each family will decorate their homes with colorful lotus boats, lotus lanterns, and shells. They will also make and eat Zongzi, a traditional sticky rice dumpling. Furthermore, they will hang lanterns and paste Spring Festival couplets on the door. People will set off firecrackers and enjoy the sound of drums and see the dragon and lion dance performances, creating a festive atmosphere.


放鞭炮的英文可以翻译为:1、squibbing firecrackers(燃放鞭炮)。2、Shoot off firecrackers。其中Shoot off的意思是:打掉、炸掉、放枪、开炮。Firecrackers是指鞭炮的意思。


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s new year. The celebration starts from the New Year\'s Eve and lasts for 15 days until the Lantern Festival. During this festive season, people enjoy various activities and customs. They decorate their homes with lanterns and couplets, and they set off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits. Families come together for a reunion dinner and exchange gifts. Children receive red envelopes containing lucky money. The highlight of the Spring Festival is the dragon and lion dance performances, which symbolize good luck and fortune. The festival is also known for its delicious food, such as dumplings and rice cakes. The joyous atmosphere brings people together to celebrate and cherish their culture and traditions.


放爆竹的英文可以翻译为:1、set off firecrackers(放)或者2、squib(放、燃放爆竹)。


放鞭炮可以翻译为:squibbing firecrackers(放鞭炮)。烟花可以翻译为:Catharine。所以,放鞭炮和烟花可以说为Squibbing firecrackers and Catharine。

英语翻译1. 春节时,大家要放鞭炮,因为这样会显得很热闹。2. 端午...

1. During the Spring Festival, everyone sets off firecrackers because it adds to the festive atmosphere.2. Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by eating sticky rice dumplings, racing dragon boats, and wearing colorful silk threads to ward off evil spirits.