> 文章列表 > 还有多少天就拜年英语




In China, Spring Festival is the New Year. During the Spring Festival, relatives and friends knock on each other\'s doors, visit each other\'s homes, and exchange New Year greetings and gifts.


上门拜年:pay a New Year\'s visit
电话拜年:make a New Year\'s call
短信拜年:send New Year\'s greetings


拜年的英语是 \"New Year greetings\"。


There are two days until the Spring Festival. (如果是国外就说\"New Year\"就OK了)


During the Spring Festival, we can receive red envelopes and exchange New Year blessings with relatives and friends.


招财进宝 (Treasures fill the home)
生意兴隆 (Business flourishes)
岁岁平安 (Peace all year round)
和气生财 (Harmony brings prosperity)


In the old days, on the first day of the year, people would burn incense to welcome the spirits, who would appear to bring blessings for the new year. This tradition symbolizes hope and good fortune as the problem draws to a close, with only 14 days and 23 hours left.


The Chinese New Year is coming. The Spring Festival is just around the corner. Other expressions include: \"is approaching,\" \"is drawing near,\" or \"is almost here.\"


New Year\'s Day is coming up. New Year\'s Day will be here soon. New Year\'s Day is approaching.

有关过年的英文单词 - 178****2237 的回答

春节 (Spring Festival)
农历 (lunar calendar)
正月 (lunar January)
除夕 (New Year\'s Eve)
初一 (the beginning of New Year)
元宵节 (The Lantern Festival)